I am unable to access my survey using the link provided. Is there another way for me to access it?

Yes. If you are unable to access the questionnaire using the link provided, please reach out to a member of our team at ruleoflawindex@worldjusticeproject.org and they will send you a Word copy (.docx) of the questionnaire via email attachment.  

What is an access code? Where can I find the access code for my survey?

To protect response data, we require respondents to enter log-in information to access their surveys online — this includes the respondent’s email address and a unique access code. These access codes consist of a string of five to six numbers that are automatically assigned to each respondent in their invitation email. You can find this information listed above the link to access your survey in your invitation.

My log-in credentials aren’t working. How can I access my survey?

If you are unable to log in to your survey using the information provided in your invitation, please contact a member of our team at ruleoflawindex@worldjusticeproject.org for assistance.

My web page crashed and/or I was unable to save my survey progress. Can I recover my work?

Yes, our team can generate a unique link for you to access your survey progress, even if you were unable to save your work. Send a message containing the email address you used to access your survey and the subject area of your survey (civil and commercial law; constitutional law, civil liberties, and criminal law; labor law; or public health) to a member of our team at ruleoflawindex@worldjusticeproject.org and we will respond with instructions on how to resume your survey progress.

I saved my survey progress online but have not received an email containing my link to resume progress. Can I recover my work?

Our “Save and Continue Later” emails are automatically generated and sent by Alchemer (the web platform that hosts our surveys). Sometimes these messages are redirected to spam or junk folders. If you are unable to find your “Save and Continue Later” email in your spam or junk folders, please send a message containing the email address you used to access your survey and the subject area of your survey (civil and commercial law; constitutional law, civil liberties, and criminal law; labor law; or public health) to a member of our team at ruleoflawindex@worldjusticeproject.org and we will respond with instructions on how to resume your survey progress.

I already submitted a survey. Why am I still receiving invitations?

If you are still receiving invitations after submitting your survey, our system may not have processed your questionnaire as complete. Let a member of our team (ruleoflawindex@worldjusticeproject.org) know you have already completed your survey and we can verify that your response was sent in successfully.

Alternatively, our records may indicate that you have expertise in a different area than the survey you have already submitted, and you have been invited to complete an additional survey (we have four survey areas: civil and commercial law; constitutional law, civil liberties, and criminal law; labor law; and public health). If you feel this is not correct and/or would not like to complete an additional survey, please contact a team member and we will update our records accordingly.

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Last updated January 2024.

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